+7 (495) 308-04-94

© HOTROCK, 2025

Single-layer flat roof system (bitumen on a profiled sheet)

Insulation of a flat roof can be carried out not only with the help of two-layer systems, but also in one layer. Tile insulation is used for this purpose HOTROCK RUF S . It serves as a load-bearing surface and can withstand not only snow loads, but also the pressure exerted by moving people on the roof. The base can be a profiled sheet and reinforced concrete slabs. To prevent the insulation material from being moistened by steam coming from the room, a vapor barrier film must be placed on the base.
This solution has its advantages. First, the roof installation process is accelerated. Secondly, the cost of installing a thermal insulation layer is reduced.

Advantages of

The HOTROCK system is designed for use in prefabricated buildings. It has excellent mechanical strength and excellent thermal insulation properties. Its total weight is small. Also worth noting is the quick and uncomplicated installation.

    Steel profiled flooring
    Vapor barrier layer
    Chiseled gluing of rolled material
    Thermal insulation boards HotRock Ruf S
    Thermal insulation boards HotRock Ruf N
    Thermal insulation boards HotRock Ruf V
    Cement-sand screed
    Main waterproofing carpet
    Protective layer
    Where to buy

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