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Hotrock Ruf N Light

Special series of basalt insulation materials for double-layer flat roofs in low-rise and private housing construction.
They are used as the lower thermal insulation layer of a two-layer flat roof with a reinforced concrete base or metal profiled flooring. Plates are recommended to be used in combination with plates HOTROCK RUF V.

Material dimensions-1200 x 600 mm
Density-100 (±10%) kg / m3
Standard thicknesses (warehouse program) – 50, 100 mm
Non-standard thicknesses (individual production) — 50÷160 mm, except for those specified above

Calculate the amount of the material
Area coverage, m2
Slab thickness, mm
  • 50 мм
  • 60 мм
  • 70 мм
  • 80 мм
  • 90 мм
  • 100 мм
  • 110 мм
  • 120 мм
  • 130 мм
  • 140 мм
  • 150 мм
  • 160 мм
Number of packages 1000
Volume, m33 0.216
Weight, kg 21.60
Hotrock Ruf N Light
Calculate the amount of the material
Area coverage, m2
Slab thickness, mm
  • 50 мм
  • 60 мм
  • 70 мм
  • 80 мм
  • 90 мм
  • 100 мм
  • 110 мм
  • 120 мм
  • 130 мм
  • 140 мм
  • 150 мм
  • 160 мм
Number of packages 1000
Volume, m33 0.216
Weight, kg 21.60
Insulation Solutions Hotrock Ruf N Light
Выберите тип применения из списка
  • Double-layer flat roof with polymer membrane according to the sheet
  • Two-layer flat roof with polymer membrane on reinforced concrete slab
Double-layer flat roof with polymer membrane according to the sheet hand hand
Double-layer flat roof with polymer membrane according to the sheet

Hotrock materials for flat roofs can be laid not only on a concrete base, but also on a trapezoidal sheet.

Thermal insulation component

The flat roof system of pritakom reshnii consists of two layers of heat-insulating materials Hotrok. The lower layer is less dense Hotrok RUF H, and the upper layer is more dense Hotrok RUF B. Its task, in addition to retaining heat, also includes redistributing the external load on the lower insulation layer. Both thermal insulation layers are attached to the base of the trapezoidal sheet using special telescopic terel fasteners. This solution has its advantages. First, the process of installing the roof is accelerated. Secondly, you do not need to build a screed, wait until it hardens and dries, which also speeds up installation. Third, the absence of a screed reduces the load on the building structure.

Advantages of

The Hotrock system is designed for use in prefabricated buildings. It has excellent mechanical strength and excellent thermal insulation performance, and its overall weight is low. Among the advantages, it should also be noted that the installation is fast and uncomplicated.

More detailed
Two-layer flat roof with polymer membrane on reinforced concrete slab hand hand
Two-layer flat roof with polymer membrane on reinforced concrete slab

When constructing a "dry flat roof", the material Hotrock. Among its advantages: simplicity, accessibility, safety, high speed of installation. The technology is based on the use of a common system of laying a less dense lower layer and a dense upper layer of thermal insulation. The moisture-tightness of the roof is ensured here by using modern polymer rolled materials, usually using a PVC membrane.

Roof construction

Roofing insulation consists of several layers and vapor barrier materials. The first, the lowest layer, is a homogeneous substrate for vapor barrier. It is laid directly on the concrete base. Next, Hotrock basalt wool is used, which retains its integrity during fluctuations in the construction structure at the time of its subsidence. Initially, the lower layer is laid with a low density. A dense, thin slab made of basalt wool is placed on top of the lower insulation layer. It takes on the load that occurs during the movement of people who install and maintain the bitumen roof.


Hotrock roofing complexes have performed well in a wide variety of systems. Their use together with other technological solutions can significantly reduce energy consumption for building heating.

More detailed
Technical specifications
Density, kg / m3
100 (±10%)
Thermal conductivity at (283±0.3) K, W/(m * K), λ10
Thermal conductivity at (298±0.3) K, W/(m * K), λ25
Calculated values of thermal conductivity for operating conditions A and B according to SP 345.1325800.2017, W/(m * K)
Strength under concentrated load, N, not less
thickness 50-90 mm
thickness 100-160 mm
Compressive strength at 10% relative strain, kPa, not less
Tensile strength perpendicular to the face surfaces, kPa, not less
Vapor permeability, mg/m * h·Pa, at least
Water absorption during short-term and partial immersion, kg / m2, max
Organic matter content, % by weight, max
Dimensions (LxW), mm
1200 x 600
Flammability, degree

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