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Хотрок Блок

Специальная серия для теплоизоляции вертикальных поверхностей. Плиты обладают особой упругостью, что облегчает монтаж в любых плоскостях.
Рекомендована для теплоизоляции слоистых кладок, каркасных стен, скатной кровли и чердачных перекрытий.

Размеры материала — 1200 х 600 мм
Плотность — 50 (±10%) кг/м³
Стандартные толщины (складская программа) — 50, 100 мм
Нестандартные толщины (индивидуальное производство) — 50÷200 мм, кроме указанных выше

Calculate the amount of the material
Area coverage, m2
Slab thickness, mm
  • 50 мм
  • 60 мм
  • 70 мм
  • 80 мм
  • 90 мм
  • 100 мм
  • 120 мм
  • 130 мм
  • 140 мм
  • 150 мм
  • 160 мм
  • 170 мм
  • 180 мм
  • 190 мм
  • 200 мм
Number of packages 1000
Volume, m33 0.288
Weight, kg 14.40
Хотрок Блок
Calculate the amount of the material
Area coverage, m2
Slab thickness, mm
  • 50 мм
  • 60 мм
  • 70 мм
  • 80 мм
  • 90 мм
  • 100 мм
  • 120 мм
  • 130 мм
  • 140 мм
  • 150 мм
  • 160 мм
  • 170 мм
  • 180 мм
  • 190 мм
  • 200 мм
Number of packages 1000
Volume, m33 0.288
Weight, kg 14.40
Insulation Solutions Хотрок Блок
Выберите тип применения из списка
  • Cold attic pitched roof system
  • Facade insulation system using siding
  • Floor insulation system by lags
  • Insulated pitched roof system
  • Insulation of the frame wall
  • Layered masonry insulation system
  • Sandwich panel system on a trapezoidal sheet
Cold attic pitched roof system hand hand
Cold attic pitched roof system

One of the most common ways to insulate the roof of a private house is to insulate the attic floor. The so - called cold attic. This method is the simplest and fastest. Thermal insulation Hotrok Light (Hotrok Block, Hotrok Vent Light) simply fit on the attic floor on a pre-laid vapor barrier film. The vapor barrier is installed on the side of a warm room and protects the thermal insulation from waterlogging and condensation. Since the air movement here is scanty, it is not necessary to additionally mount the wind protection on the insulating material from above. At the same time, it is important to observe the following nuances: build a windscreen and create a fifty-millimeter ventilation gap around the perimeter of the attic. Such a measure will ensure effective air removal from the cornices. The thickness and quantity of the material is calculated based on the heat engineering calculation. The use of the cold attic pitched roof system, together with other energy-saving technological solutions, significantly reduces the consumption of electric energy and reduces the cost of heating/cooling the building.

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Facade insulation system using siding hand hand
Facade insulation system using siding

Facade system with siding finishing-reliable, profitable, efficient

Vinyl siding is a popular finishing material for a country house. The multi-layered practical facade system with siding is designed to protect the walls of buildings from destruction, significantly reduce heat loss inside the room, and increase sound insulation. Such a system can be used in the construction of new structures and for the "rehabilitation" of old objects. Such finishing of external walls is characterized by a number of advantages: speed of installation, economy, ease of installation, maintainability. This design is based on a frame, usually made of wood, which is attached to the load-bearing wall and telplo-insulating plates are attached to this frame Hotrok Vent Light (Hotrock Block), a special film is installed on top of the frame and the vinyl siding itself is attached.

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Floor insulation system by lags hand hand
Floor insulation system by lags

Insulation of inter-storey floors is very often used in low-rise construction. If the upper floor does not have heating systems, for example, a summer veranda, then the inter-floor ceiling will act as the only protection against heat losses. To solve such problems, use the lightest cookers that will not experience loads: Hotrok Light (Hotline Block). It is worth noting that the least effect will be in the case of the same microclimate indicators in two residential premises. Then basalt wool slabs will act as a sound-proofing material. They absorb noise between floors, which makes living more comfortable.

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Insulated pitched roof system hand hand
Insulated pitched roof system

Insulated pitched roof system — reliable protection of the house

To create an optimal microclimate and optimize the area in buildings of any type, it is necessary to carefully consider how to design and insulate the roof as efficiently as possible, as well as expand the space of your attic. Installation of a pitched roof system involves the presence of certain structural components, each of which has a different function, which significantly improves the living conditions in the premises. One of the mandatory tasks when installing a roof, especially for attic rooms, is its insulation. This is necessary to increase the energy efficiency of the room and reduce your heating costs. Non-flammable thermal insulation boards Hotrok Light, created from special mineral wool, have high technical characteristics. They do not weigh down the structure, are noise-proof, and are easy to install.

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Insulation of the frame wall hand hand
Insulation of the frame wall

In the construction of modern townhouses, private cottages and other low-rise buildings, frame walls are increasingly being built. These structures contain a wooden or metal base with internal and external cladding. The free space inside is filled with a light insulation made of HOTROCK stone wool, which provides the frame with high heat and sound insulation qualities. Among the main advantages of a modern system, it is worth noting its light weight, which allows you to save on the construction of expensive massive foundations and strong foundations. In addition, the structure can be easily and quickly assembled, without spending significant effort and time. During operation, frame systems are completely unpretentious in maintenance and are not subject to shrinkage over time. For exterior decoration, vinyl siding is usually used, which perfectly copes with the protective function of the walls, firmly preventing the influence of natural factors.

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Layered masonry insulation system hand hand
Layered masonry insulation system

Layered masonry insulation is a system consisting of a load-bearing wall, a layer of insulation and a wall made of facing material. As an external layer, brick is most often used, which, if necessary, can be additionally plastered or covered with artificial stone. One of the most common options for insulation materials is basalt insulation. High-quality insulation with a layer thickness determined taking into account the climatic zone will protect the house from the cold and provide sound insulation. Advantage of thermal insulation HOTROCK BLOCK is an absolute incombustible material. The special structure of the material facilitates the installation process and provides a dense good thermal insulation. Presentable appearance and high durability of the structure are ensured by proper design, quality of materials used and qualified installation. The most important stage of preparation is the calculation of vapor permeability. To avoid the formation of condensation in the thickness of the structure, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of better transmission of steam by each subsequent layer, starting from the inner wall to the outside, so that there are no obstacles in the way of steam escape. To ensure air exchange and avoid condensation, builders recommend leaving a space between the insulation and the outer wall of the order of 2 cm, as well as making a number of small holes in the lower and upper parts of the masonry.

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Sandwich panel system on a trapezoidal sheet hand hand
Sandwich panel system on a trapezoidal sheet

Recently, prefabricated sandwich panels have become very popular in the construction of commercial facilities. This is a very convenient design for the construction of industrial premises, such as warehouses, hangars, pavilions, shopping complexes. They are also suitable for industrial buildings, car washes, factories, etc. This is an advantageous solution for the facade, since such structures use lightweight slabs Hotrok Vent Light (Hotrok Block, Hotrok akustik) with subsequent siding, profiled sheet or decorative cassettes. A special air inner layer ensures the reliability and durability of the entire system. Also, the use of the structure does not violate the rules of fire safety. Installation of the system does not require special heavy equipment, since it is made on the principle of simple assembly.

How does the facade structure work?

The basis of the entire system is a special sandwich profile. This is a three-dimensional, but thin-layer structure made of galvanized steel sheet coated with polymer. One profile is superimposed on another, and fixed to the frame of the building with dense self-tapping screws.

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Technical specifications
Плотность, кг/м3
50 (±10%)
Теплопроводность при (283±0,3)К, Вт/(м·К), λ10
Теплопроводность при (298±0,3)К, Вт/(м·К), λ25
Расчетные значения теплопроводности для условий эксплуатации А и Б по СП 345.1325800.2017, Вт/(м·К)
Сжимаемость под удельной нагрузкой 2000 Па, %, не более
Паропроницаемость, мг/м·ч·Па, не менее
Водопоглощение при кратковременном и частичном погружении, кг/м2, не более
Содержание органических веществ, % по массе, не более
Размеры (ДхШ), мм
1200 х 600
Горючесть, степень
негорючий / А1

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  • Экспертное заключение по результатам санитарно-эпидемиологической экспертизы (стр. 1)
  • Экспертное заключение по результатам санитарно-эпидемиологической экспертизы (стр. 2)
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  • Экспертное заключение по результатам санитарно-эпидемиологической экспертизы (стр. 4)
Инструкция по установке

Рекомендации по применению с альбомом технических решений

Технические решения «Теплоизоляционные изделия «HOTROCK» в строительных и ограждающих конструкциях зданий и сооружений. Рекомендации по применению с альбомом технических решений» разработаны в соответствии с заданием ООО «Завод строительных конструкций».

Приведенные в настоящих рекомендациях номенклатура и технические характеристики теплоизоляционных плит ООО «Завод строительных конструкций», предназначенных для применения в строительстве, приняты в соответствии с техническими условиями ТУ 23.99.19-005-83998728-2022 «Плиты теплоизоляционные из каменной ваты на синтетическом связующем марки «HOTROCK». В технических решениях приведены методики расчета толщины тепловой изоляции в зависимости от ее назначения и таблицы рекомендуемых толщин теплоизоляционного слоя в конструкциях тепловой изоляции. Технические решения разработаны в соответствии с требованиями СП 50.1333.2012 «Тепловая защита зданий» с учетом требований пожарной безопасности и других нормативных документов.

Ссылки для ознакомления ниже.

Альбом Технических Решений 12166-ТИ.2022 (HOTROCK)

Также базальтовый утеплитель HOTROCK  внесен в Типовую Серию 1.490.9-3.14 “Тепловая изоляция ограждающих конструкций зданий и сооружений”.

Серия 1.490.9-3.14 Строительная изоляция (Рабочие чертежи)

Серия 1.490.9-3.14 Строительная изоляция Альбом. ПЗ



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