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Hotrock Light Eco

Modification of the HOTROCK LITE series in a unique package for easy storage and transportation.

Recommended for thermal insulation and sound insulation of pitched roofs, mansards, attic floors, floors with laying on logs, frame walls, partitions and balconies. It has a special flexibility and ease.

Material dimensions – 1200 x 600
Thickness – 50, 100 mm
Density – 25 ÷ 30 kg / m3

Hotrock Light Eco
Insulation Solutions Hotrock Light Eco
Выберите тип применения из списка
  • Cold Attic pitched roof
  • Stud wall heat insulation
  • Система утепления пола по лагам
  • Система утепления фасада с применением сайдинга
  • Утепленная система скатной кровли
Cold Attic pitched roof hand hand
Cold Attic pitched roof

One of the most widespread methods of private house roof heat insulation is presented by the heat insulation of attic floor. It is the so-called Cold Attic. Such method is simplest and fastest. HOTROCK LIGHT, HOTROCK LIGHT COMPRESSION, and HOTROCK BLOCK thermal insulation is simply laid on the attic floor on the preliminarily laid vapour barrier film, which protects the thermal insulation against excessive moistening and condensate formation. Since air circulation on the attic is miniscule, it is not required to additionally assemble any windshield above HOTROCK heat insulation material. At the same time, it is important to observe the following points: to create a fifty millimetre air gap around the perimeter of the attic, an indent. A similar measure will provide an efficient air exhaust out of cornices. The total thickness and amount of material is calculated arising out of a thermo-technical calculation. The use of Cold Attic pitched roof together with other energy saving technological solutions enables to significantly cut the use of electric energy and reduce expenses for heating/cooling a building.

Stud wall heat insulation hand hand
Stud wall heat insulation

In the course of construction of modern townhouses, private cottages and other low-rise buildings stud walls are erected with an increasing frequency. These structures contain a wooden or metal base with inner or outer cladding. The free space inside is filled with HOTROCK - light heat insulation material made of stone wool, which provides a frame with high heat and noise insulation properties. The light weight, which enables to save on erection of expensive massive bases and strong foundations, should be noted amongst basic advantages of the modern system. In addition, the structure can be easily and quickly assembled without making significant efforts and spending time. In the process of operation the frame systems are absolutely maintenance-friendly and are not subjected to any shrinkage in the course of time. For an external finish they usually use the vinyl siding, which perfectly copes with a protection function of the walls, sturdily preventing the impact of natural factors.

Система утепления пола по лагам hand hand
Система утепления пола по лагам

Система утепления фасада с применением сайдинга hand hand
Система утепления фасада с применением сайдинга

Утепленная система скатной кровли hand hand
Утепленная система скатной кровли

Technical specifications
Density, kg / m3
27 (± 10%)
Thermal conductivity at 283 ± 5 ° K, W / m ° K
Thermal conductivity at 298 ± 5 ° K, W / m ° K
Calculated values ​​of thermal conductivity under operating conditions A, W / m ° K
Calculated values ​​of thermal conductivity under operating conditions B, W / m ° K
Compressibility under specific load 2000 Pa,%, not more
Water absorption at short-term and partial immersion, kg / m2, not more
Tensile strength, parallel to the front surfaces, kPa, not less
Content of organic matter,% not more than
Vapor permeability
Sizes (DhSh), mm
1200 х 600
Combustibility degree

Download HOTROCK Light Eco Technical Card

Download Technical Certificate for Hotrok Light Eco


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