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Unique heat and sound insulation material based on 100% basalt fiber.
A special series of Hotrock insulation for non-loaded structures. It unites advantages of basalt fiber with unique lightness.

Dimensions of the material – 1200 х 600 mm
Thickness – 50, 100 mm

Insulation Solutions HOTROCK SMART
Выберите тип применения из списка
  • Ceilings noise insulation. Joist floor
  • Cold Attic pitched roof
  • Insulated pitched roof
  • Layered masonry heat insulation
  • Walls noise insulation
  • Звукоизоляция перекрытий. Пол по лагам
  • Система утепления пола по лагам
  • Утепленная система скатной кровли
Ceilings noise insulation. Joist floor hand hand
Ceilings noise insulation. Joist floor

The ceilings are basically the structures, which not only separate floors, but also provide an acoustic comfort due to noise elimination from adjacent levels. That is exactly why strict requirements to noise insulation are imposed on them. The best result is achieved with the use of acoustic designing and HOTROCK ACOUSTIC sound-absorbing material. The following structure is the simplest and the most reliable structure of ceilings noise insulation: reinforced concrete slab, floor covering, compressed fibreboard, sound insulating sheet, and a sealing tape. These materials are interconnected mechanically. The use of HOTROCK ACOUSTIC sound insulating materials in this technology provides a comfortable microclimate, at which odd noises will not irritate people located in the premises.

Cold Attic pitched roof hand hand
Cold Attic pitched roof

One of the most widespread methods of private house roof heat insulation is presented by the heat insulation of attic floor. It is the so-called Cold Attic. Such method is simplest and fastest. HOTROCK LIGHT, HOTROCK LIGHT COMPRESSION, and HOTROCK BLOCK thermal insulation is simply laid on the attic floor on the preliminarily laid vapour barrier film, which protects the thermal insulation against excessive moistening and condensate formation. Since air circulation on the attic is miniscule, it is not required to additionally assemble any windshield above HOTROCK heat insulation material. At the same time, it is important to observe the following points: to create a fifty millimetre air gap around the perimeter of the attic, an indent. A similar measure will provide an efficient air exhaust out of cornices. The total thickness and amount of material is calculated arising out of a thermo-technical calculation. The use of Cold Attic pitched roof together with other energy saving technological solutions enables to significantly cut the use of electric energy and reduce expenses for heating/cooling a building.

Insulated pitched roof hand hand
Insulated pitched roof

The insulated pitched roof is a reliable protection of a house. In order to create an optimal microclimate and optimize the area in any type of premises, it is necessary to think over carefully how you can construct and insulate the roof with a maximum effect, and also to extend the space of your attic. Installation of the pitched roof system assumes the presence of specific structural components, each of which has a different function, due to which fact the living conditions in premises are considerably improved. One of the obligatory tasks during roof installation, especially for attic rooms, is its heat insulation. It is necessary for increasing the indices of energy saving, reduction of expenses for heating and conditioning. Non-combustible HOTROCK LIGHT (HOTROCK LIGHT COMPRESSION) and HOTROCK BLOCK heat insulating slabs have high technical characteristics. They do not load the structure, are noise-proof and convenient in assembly. They are delivered in a closed package, convenient for storage and transportation.

Layered masonry heat insulation hand hand
Layered masonry heat insulation

The layered masonry heat insulation is the system, which consists of a bearing wall, heat insulation material layer and the wall made of a facing material. The brick, which can be additionally plastered or covered with an artificial stone if necessary, is mostly used as the external layer. One of the most widespread types of insulation materials is HOTROCK basalt heat insulation. A qualitatively selected insulation with layer thickness, determined with regard to a climatic zone, will enable to protect your house against cold and provide noise insulation. Absolute non-combustibility of the material is an advantage of HOTROCK BLOCK heat insulation material. Special structure of the material simplifies the process of assembly and provides good thermal insulation. A presentable external appearance and long life of the structure is provided by a correct design, quality of used materials and skilled assembly. The calculation of vapour permeability is the most important stage of preparation. For the avoidance of condensate formation in the structure mass it is necessary to consider a possibility of better steaming by every next layer beginning with an inner wall to the outside, so that there were no obstacles on the way of vapour outlet. In order to provide air exchange and for the avoidance of condensate formation builders recommend to remain the space between the heat insulation material and the outer wall of approximately 2 cm, and also to make a range of small openings in the lower and upper parts of masonry.

Walls noise insulation hand hand
Walls noise insulation

Special walls noise insulation will provide a reliable protection against noise in order to create comfortable conditions for life and work in premises of any type. A multilayer noise-proof wall is the main component part. It is rather easy to produce the given structure. For that purpose, HOTROCK ACOUSTIC special basalt noise insulation slabs are laid in the space between sections in the course of production of gypsum board partitions. At the same time all detail parts of section structures should be assembled with regard to recommendations, developed by our experts. Depending on the increase in the amount of layers and walls thickness, the sound-proof system capabilities are increased in direct ratio. Thus, due to installation of similar structures an airborne noise level will be considerably reduced to the necessary indices, whereas you will preserve the area of your premise.

Звукоизоляция перекрытий. Пол по лагам hand hand
Звукоизоляция перекрытий. Пол по лагам

Система утепления пола по лагам hand hand
Система утепления пола по лагам

Утепленная система скатной кровли hand hand
Утепленная система скатной кровли

Technical specifications
Density, kg/m3
Thermal conductivity at 25°C, W/m˚С
Design compressive load,%
Water absorption in case of full immersion, %
Water absorption in case of partial immersion, %
Organic matter content,%
Mass humidity, %
Dimensions (L*W), mm
1200 х 600
Fire classification

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