+7 (495) 308-04-94

© HOTROCK, 2025

Products for a cottage

It is a natural durable material for country houses. It is non-combustible and environmentally safe. It provides simple assembly, considerable reduction in expenses for heating, and safety for health.

A special series in the Hotrok line, focused on the insulation of non-loaded structures in private housing construction. Ideal for frame housing construction. All the advantages of basalt wool with a unique lightness.
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It can be used for insulation of floors, floors, frame walls, balconies, partitions. Universal, simple solution in any nodes where there is no load on the insulation.
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Возможно применение для утепления полов , перекрытий, каркасных стен балкона, перегородок. Универсальное, простое решение в любых узлах, где нет нагрузки на утеплитель.
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Используется для тепло-, звукоизоляции различных типов слоистых кладок, каркасных стен с разнообразными видами отделки, в том числе сайдингом.
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Плиты предназначены для применения в промышленном и гражданском строительстве в качестве тепло-, звукоизоляционного слоя в вентилируемых фасадных системах.
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Профессиональная серия базальтового утеплителя используется в качестве тепло- и звукоизоляционного слоя в системах вентилируемых фасадов, сборного сэндвича и утепления под сайдинг.
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The panels are intended for use in industrial and civil construction as a heat and sound insulation layer in ventilated facade systems.
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Plates are used as thermal insulation in wet facade insulation systems with thin-layer plaster on an alkali-resistant reinforcing mesh.
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Plates are used as thermal insulation in wet facade insulation systems with thin-layer plaster on an alkali-resistant reinforcing mesh.
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The plates are designed for external wall insulation systems with a protective and decorative layer of thin-layer plaster.
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The plates are designed for external wall insulation systems with a protective and decorative layer of thin-layer plaster.
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They are used as the lower thermal insulation layer of a two-layer flat roof system with a reinforced concrete base or metal profiled flooring. Plates are recommended to be used in combination with plates HOTROCK RUF V.
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Plates are used as the lower thermal insulation layer of a two-layer flat roof with a reinforced concrete base or metal profiled flooring.
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Special series of insulation materials for double-layer flat roofs. They are used as the upper thermal insulation layer of a two-layer flat roof system with a reinforced concrete base or metal profiled flooring. Plates are recommended to be used in combination with plates HOTROK RUF N.
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